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Davidson Law Office, Thad Davidson

Criminal Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Lawyer, Criminal Defense Tyler TX, DUI/DWI Defense, Federal Criminal Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney Smith County
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Thad Davidson and his team should be your choice when you choose a criminal defense lawyer in Tyler, and you need someone to fight for you. If you’ve been charged with a crime and are now facing a legal battle in the East Texas courtroom, don’t immediately settle for a plea bargain. Just because you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime in Texas doesn’t mean you’re guilty. Instead of being considered innocent until proven guilty, most who have been arrested are thought to be guilty until proven innocent. Don’t let the broken judicial system threaten your freedom when you can put an experienced and qualified attorney in your legal corner. The Thad Davidson Law Office takes pride in offering residents of Tyler, Smith County and all of East Texas, a complete and well-rounded knowledge to attempt the best outcome in a variety of misdemeanor and felony criminal cases, including those involving: DWI Domestic violence Federal crime Juvenile crime Sex crime White collar crime Assault


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329 S Fannin Ave,

Tyler, Texas 75702